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查看次数: 类别:新闻事件 发布日期:2018-03-05



匹兹堡大学孔子学院汉语教师志愿者 黄瑞琦 彭梦蝶 邓昊



2月16日,美国匹兹堡大学孔子学院(Confucius Institute at the University of Pittsburgh, CI-Pitt )联合匹兹堡大学中国学生学者联合会( PITT CSSA )在匹兹堡大学举行了“2018新春系列庆祝活动此次庆祝活动包括年夜饭和“狗年春晚”两个部分,活动历时六个小时,吸引了美国民众及华人华侨近千人参与。





今年是匹兹堡大学孔子学院(CI-Pitt)第九次联合匹兹堡大学中国学生学者联合会( PITT CSSA )在匹兹堡大学举行中国新年庆祝活动。匹兹堡大学孔子学院(CI-Pitt)创立十年来,在匹兹堡地区持续开展中华文化活动,已成为匹兹堡






CI-PITT 2018 Chinese Spring Festival Celebration Successfully Held


CI-PITT volunteer Chinese teachers:  Ruiqi Huang, Mengdie Peng, Hao Deng



The “2018 Chinese Spring Festival” series were held at the University of Pittsburgh on February 16th by the Confucius Institute at the University of Pittsburgh (CI-Pitt), in           conjunction with the PITT CSSA. The event lasted for six hours, including “New Year's Eve Dinner” and “Spring Festival Gala”, and attracted nearly a thousand local folks as  well as overseas Chinese.


Chinese and foreign guests joined the "New Year's Eve dinner" between 5pm and 7pm.From babbling children to elderly people with gray hair, from overseas Chinese who live  aboard so long to the American people who are interested in Chinese culture, they all sat around the big round red tables, enjoying a warm, delicious dinner!

Following was the Spring Festival Gala, organized by some cultural groups in the Pittsburgh area. Chinese students at the University of Pittsburgh performed a creative dance     and music "Butterfly Lovers", a moving piano piece combined with graceful dance and calligraphy quickly bring all the audiences to exciting shows. Chinese students at the       University of Pittsburgh also performed Despacito, which combines Spanish song with Chinese musical instruments to make the audience experience the variety of different        cultures. Overseas Chinese from the Pittsburgh Chinese Culture Center of Performing and Arts held a “Cheongsam Show”, creating a peaceful atmosphere in the hall with           elegant music. In particular, the children performing the "Kung Fu Show" with neat movements and vivid expressions won the applause of the audience. The performance of the Lion Dance Team was also fantastic and the audience was so excited about that.

This year is the ninth joint of CI-Pitt and PITT CSSA to hold the Chinese New Year celebration at the University of Pittsburgh. Since its establishment 10 years ago, CI-Pitt has  continued its Chinese cultural activities in the Pittsburgh area and has become an important platform for Sino-U.S. Cultural exchange in this region.




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